Thursday, January 4, 2018

To my fellow travelers...

One lesson I have learned is that, you never know what other's are going through, you don't know their struggle, either internal or external.  Love all, wholeheartedly, not for what they can give you, or what they can bring to the table, but for them! 

Thomas S. Monson, our beloved Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Passed away yesterday at the age of 90.  He joins his eternal partner in heaven, and I know with that, he is rejoicing.  I can not imagine one day without my eternal partner.  As I pray for his remaining family here, I can't help but rejoice for him.  
Learning the Plan of Salvation has helped me deal with death.  It has given me the peace in knowing what happens when we return to live with our father in heaven.  The gospel is seriously what brings me so much peace in this life.

To my fellow travelers in this life, I see you, I love you!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A New Year

     As we closed in on 2017, I realized though there was so many bad things that happened, there, in the darkness, we could see blessings as well.  I was Baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on February 2, 2004.  Since then, we've always been told that blessings come from trials.  It took me many years to really see this.  I have face so many trials in my life, and always Focused on the bad, not the good that could come after.
Every year I give myself a word to work into my life the next year.  
Some people do resolutions, set goals, etc. 
I give myself ONE WORD...

This year, that word is FOCUS...
I will FOCUS on me, on my relationships, on my spirituality, on my health.

We set goals all year, every year, but this year, we FOCUS!
First goal this year is to be sealed as an eternal family, in the temple. <3 This is for us!

I am so happy to have such an amazing other half, to FOCUS on this funny little world with.  He truly grounds me, he sees the best in me, he see's beyond what others see, and he truly understands the person with in, that I don't share with the world.  He makes me, be the best me!
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.Colossians 3:22

If you had to give yourself one word to work on this year, what would that word be?