Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Refresh and Renew

One thing in life that helps me refresh and renew is seeing my best friend!  Having those people in your life that generally love you, as much as you love them, those people who lift you up and encourage you to be the best you! Those people you couldn't imagine your life without!  
I recently had a visit from two of those people!

Lorie and David have been such a big part of our lives for several years! We love them so much, and are so glad we were able to visit with them, and get these cousins together! Lorie is always such an inspiring person.  She has, so many times, been one of those encouraging people for me.  She always encourages me to be the best me!  We think the world of them, and we're so glad they are part of our family! <3 

  We always say that we need a very large piece of property, so that we could just move some of these people on it with us! This way, we are never without the people we love! 

It had been 2 years since I saw my best friend, and I still remember the day I drove away with West Point in my rear view mirror.  It seriously broke my heart to drive away, and leave her behind. She had been such a HUGE part of my life, that it was weird to think she wouldn't be there for the holidays, for every birthday, and every baptism.  That she wouldn't have surprise visits, where we just sit around the kitchen bar top and chat for hours, or lounge around in jammies, watching whatever is on TV or take naps! Or the Epic Nerf battles or Hide and Seek in the dark with all these kiddos... Her and Joe truly love our children, as much as we do, which I never knew was even possible! These are the moments I knew I would miss, even though I knew she was always just a phone call or text message away!  This last minute visit from her, was just what we BOTH needed! I love this lady! She is my soul sister!

These visits helped refresh and renew my soul!  It was exactly what I needed! <3

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